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BTOS 2023


Van der Valk Hotel Airport

BTOS 2023

The Belgian Thoracic Oncology Symposium 2023 will take place on Friday 17th March 2023 from 12.15 until 6.00 PM.

Join us at the Van der Valk Hotel in Diegem to attend this interesting programme of one plenary session and 3 workshops in small groups to encourage interaction and questions from the audience. 

Mr. Johan Thibo will also present the association ProLong on this occasion.

BMS will present a Satellite symposium on the following topic : Where is the highest unmet medical need in 1L mNSCLC ? Dr. Koen Deschepper - VITAZ  


We thank our sponsors for their support : 

Logo sponsors

Van der Valk Hotel Airport - Culliganlaan 4B - 1830 Diegem


Tarif non membre
75,00 €
Tarif membre associé
50,00 €
Tarif membre associé junior
35,00 €
Tarif membre effectif
50,00 €
Tarif membre effectif junior
35,00 €
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