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Lung function courses - Module 1


Hôpital Saint-Pierre Brussels

Lung function courses - Module 1

Thanks to the hard work of three course directors, Professors Eric Derom, Wim Janssens and Eric Marchand, we are very happy to finally be able to offer you a new version of the previous lung function courses :  "BeRS Acadedmy - Respiratory Lung Function 2.0 courses".

We invite you to attend the Module 1 - Part 2 consisting in a full day face-to-face sessions which will take place on Friday 24th March 2023 at the Hôpital Saint-Pierre in Brussels. These sessions will be presented in English and are primarily designed for trainees in pulmonology.

On this occasion, we will also have the opportunity to present you the new BeRS Academy e-learning platform and to explain how to connect to follow the theoretical part (Module 1 - Part 1) of this new version. This theoretical part consists in video's which you can view afterwards at your best convenience. Each video's will be followed by MCQ's. 

To be honest with you, you should have taken Part 1 before Part 2 as you might expect. Not being 100% ready with the platform we have preferred to present it in this face-to-face session.

As the number of seats are limited, register now to be sure to attend this great premiere !

Practical details of your participation and the final programme will be sent to you as soon as your registration is finalised.

Finally, we would like to thank AstraZeneca for their faithful support in the organisation of these courses.


Hôpital Saint-Pierre Brussels


Tarif non membre
200,00 €
Tarif membre associé
50,00 €
Tarif membre associé junior
0,00 €
Tarif membre effectif
50,00 €
Tarif membre effectif junior
0,00 €
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